Logistics Knowledge
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Now, many people know that logistics is important, should pay attention to logistics. So logistics is why it is important, what is the essence of logistics? The logistics exactly what role? Talk about this issue this lecture.

As mentioned above, logistics and material information, including the physical movement of raw materials from the supplier to the users of the transportation, packaging, storage, loading and unloading, distribution processing, distribution, and transmission of information in the process, which means that logistics activitiesgenerally does not create value, only to create added value. As a result, the logistics is not redundant? Answer is undoubtedly no. Why? Because any product not produced, not through the loading and unloading, packaging, transportation, custody immediately consumption, at best, can save one or two of the seven aspects of logistics. So, Since logistics is a can not be omitted or insurmountable, and with the occurrence of this process, it will incur costs, time, distance and human resources, energy, environment, a series of questions. It is only an objective understanding of these issues, correctly treated scientifically solve these problems, is the only correct attitude and choice. Broadly speaking, the essence and role of logistics is mainly reflected in the following seven aspects.

A hedge against inflation

Logistics retain value. In other words, any product out from the production to the final consumer, must go through a period of time, for some distance, the time and distance process, go through the transportation, storage, packing, loading and unloading, multi-link, more than the number of logistics activity. In this process, the product may Moisturized flooding, rust, breakage, loss. Logistics mission is to prevent the occurrence of the above phenomenon, to ensure that products from producers to consumers in the process of moving the quality and quantity of products retain value play, namely to protect the existence of the value of the product, when the product reaches the consumer value in use unchanged.

Second, the savings

Good logistics, conserve natural resources, human resources and energy, but also be able to save money. For example, containerized traffic, can simplify the packaging of goods, save a lot of packaging paper and timber; mechanized loading and unloading operations, warehouse custody automated, can save a lot of workers, a significant reduction in personnel expenses. Emphasis on logistics cost savings examples abound. Called the logistics management awakening first person Haier Group, to strengthen the logistics management, the building of a modern international automated logistics center, a year inventory tying up capital and procurement funds, reduced from 15 billion to 700 million yuan, saving the expense of 800 million yuan.

Third, shortening the distance

Logistics can be overcome by time interval, distance interval and the interval, which naturally is also the essence of the logistics. The modern logistics shorten the distance aspect illustration list goes on. In Beijing, you can buy the world fresh fruits, fruit across the country are perennial; postal sector to improve logistics, extending to greatly shorten the time distance, to the United States Federal Express National Express two days, can do the next day served 15 cities in Asia; distribution centers in Japan can be done, before ordering 10:00 in the day. This logistics speed, geographical distance and time distance between people all of a sudden pull very close. With the continuous progress of the modernization of logistics, international transport capacity greatly enhance, promote international trade, the people gradually feel this earth smaller continents closer.

Fourth, to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, improve service levels

In the new economic era, the increasingly fierce competition among enterprises. In the same economic environment, manufacturing companies, such as home appliances manufacturing enterprises, the competition is mainly between the competitive price, quality, features, style, and after-sales service, can speak the kind of home appliances such as color TV, air conditioning, refrigerator products in industrial technology such progress, quality, function, style, and after-sales service, the current level of enterprises is not much difference, the only comparable price often. In recent years, major cities across the country after another home appliance price war, enough to illustrate this point. What factors support price? If you say that in order to capture the market share, one, two loss-making price cuts, subject to market and then to recapture this loss is also not a bad idea to make it up. However, if this does not work after the price cuts at a loss how? Goes without saying that the companies may fail abysmally. In the era of shortages of materials, companies can rely on to expand production, reduce manufacturing costs to grab profits. In the era of material wealth, the enterprises can expand sales to grab a second profit. But in the new century and the new economy and society, the first profit source and the second source of profits has been basic to a certain limit, the rest of the "virgin land" is logistics. The price reduction is the main means of competition between enterprises of the appliance industry in recent years, price competition backing is the reduction of the total cost, the cost price cuts outside the function, quality, style, and after-sales service, is said to reduce logistics costs.

To accelerate the circulation of commodities, and to promote economic development

Talk about this issue, we have the most convincing example is concerned with distribution centers. It can be said, for the chain of commercial distribution center set up to provide a broad space for development. Use of computer networks, supermarkets, distribution centers and suppliers, manufacturers, distribution center as a hub for the formation of the effective combination of a commercial, logistics and production enterprises. With computer quick and timely transmission of information and analysis, through the high efficiency of the distribution center operations, timely delivery, and the information is fed back to the suppliers and manufacturers, the formation of a high-efficiency, high-energy commodity circulation network, enterprise management provide an important basis for decision-making, also can greatly accelerate the speed of commodity circulation, reduce the retail price of the commodity, to improve the consumer's desire to buy, thus contributing to the development of the national economy.

Sixth, to protect the environment

The environment is the theme of the era, protecting the environment, controlling pollution and public nuisance is a common goal of countries in the world. Some people may ask, What is the relationship between environmental protection and logistics? Here may wish to introduce. You walk in the street, sometimes see the road layer of loess, this construction earthmoving truck night spilled from the car, hit pull cement truck through, you will be more trouble; increasingly severe traffic jams on the road you can not even ride a bike are pass not past, noise and exhaust so you did not dare open mouth breathing; continuous roar of the big freight trucks in the middle of the night, fatigue repetitious sleep ... all of this problem are related with the logistics behind . Truck Caesar loess improper handling wagons joints; truck cement gray flying the cement packing thatch cover problem; road traffic jam is a lack of distribution facilities construction. From a logistics point of view to consider, will be solved.
