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Buyer's inspection rights provided for by the Convention ". Is a statutory inspection rights, it is subject to the contract, buyers and sellers in the contract is usually made ??on the problem of how to exercise inspection rights provisions that require the time and place of the inspection, mainly the following five practices: export domestic ground inspection. In conjunction with the buyer's inspection before shipment by the seller inspectors to inspect the goods, the seller only on the quality before the goods leave the place of origin is responsible. Away from the place of origin and transit risk, responsibility of the buyer.

Inspection at the port of shipment (ground). Agreed upon by both parties prior to shipment or shipment of goods commodity inspection authorities, and issue an inspection certificate as the basis of the quality and quantity of the confirmed delivery, such provisions, called to the offshore quality and quantity "of offshore prevail.

Inspection of the port of destination (ground). After unloading of cargo at the port of destination (ground), agreed by the two sides, the commodity inspection authorities, inspection, and issue an inspection certificate as confirmation of delivery quality and quantity in accordance with such provisions, called "shore quality and to the shore of the number" as standards.

The buyer's place of business or the location of the user test. For those sealed packaging, sophisticated goods. Should not unpacking inspection before use or need to install the debug to test the product, the test will be postponed to the location of the user, inspection and provide proof of inspection bodies approved by both sides.

Inspection of the exporting country, the importing country re-examination. Under this approach, the pre-shipment inspection certificate as the seller to export documents to receive payment of the goods to the destination, the buyer the right to a retest. If approved by both the commodity inspection authorities reinspection, found that the goods do not comply with the provisions of the contract, and the Department of the responsibility of the seller, the buyer may raise objections within the specified time, the seller and claims to reject the goods until.

The above practices, each with its own characteristics, should be, depending on the specific nature of commodity trading. But the most general commodity trading, "Inspection of the exporting country, the importing country reinspection 'approach is the most convenient and reasonable, because the one hand, this approach definitely a seller's inspection certificate is valid transfer of goods and settlement documents, while the right to re-confirm that the purchaser after the receipt of the goods, which is consistent with the provisions of the national laws and international conventions. mostly adopt this practice in China's foreign trade.
