Logistics Knowledge
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(A), shipping procedures

1.A group with: to assemble the assembly according to the provisions of the transportation plan and rail freight, in accordance with the variety of goods, nature, weight, volume.

2.single: clearly, accurately fill in the relevant commodity transport certificate.

3.Checked: Carriage Station in accordance with the provisions date to submit bills of lading, the goods shipped to the shipping station, and freight members handle inventory and inspection procedures for the handover.

4. send single: checked personnel timely the generals cargo certificate, payment receipt, transportation EIR, purchase and sale of goods certificates and other relevant documents are presented to the receiving unit.

5.The forecast: Goods shipped, the shipper to the consignee immediately accounted for and collect payments on behalf of transport fees and other expenses, the time of arrival to the consignee forecast commodity.

(B), transit formalities

1.to accept the transit of goods: a transit point when receiving the transit of goods should be immediately manifest check acceptance, if not match, to find out the reason, correct it before transit, can not be wrong to wrong turn.

2.Shipping transit of goods: should shorten the residence time, the order in which they arrive by commodity shipping do batch Qing consignment. Shipped to a single goods the peer or documents first.

3.Closely with the closing, the delivery unit contact.

(C) receiving procedures

1.good receipt preparations Contact the business sector to arrange a car, boat convergence work. Contact warehouse ready warehousing arrangements and organize short-haul capacity and transportation and handling strength.

2.The handle receiving procedures. In the the receiving transportation sector delivery of goods, should be waybill piece by piece inventory acceptance. Found packaging exception of goods, commodities incomplete, scattered, confusing batch in conjunction with the preparation of carrier sector freight records, and find out the reasons to clear shipping unit, carriage unit, the carrier shall receive units among responsibility for the timely disposal.
